What to Do After a Car Accident

What to Do After a Car Accident

Even a minor car accident can wreck major havoc on your life. In the aftermath of a collision, your first priority should always be seeking adequate medical care. Later, you can turn your attention toward recovering financial compensation from the responsible parties. 

Wondering what to do after a car accident? Read on to learn more. 

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Sometimes, the injuries you suffer in a car accident are so severe that you don’t really have a lot of say over what happens next. You may be taken to the hospital or emergency room, for example.

Other times, you might be able to take a few steps that can ease the process of filing your car accident claim later on down the road. 

Note that nothing takes the place of personalized legal counsel—which you can get for free with no obligations in a consultation with an experienced car accident attorney. However, in a broad sense, here’s what you can do after a car accident to help your case. 

  • Gather information from the scene of the accident. As mentioned above, people who suffer life-threatening or other severe injuries might not have the luxury of doing this. However, if you’re able, take a few moments to photograph the scene and ask for statements from any witnesses. 
  • Call the police. In many jurisdictions, calling the police is required if the accident you suffered meets a minimum threshold for injuries and/or property damages. Once on the scene, police may take statements from relevant parties, issues any citations, and sometimes, even make a judgement of fault—something which can dramatically improve your chances when filing a claim. 
  • Exchange information with the other party. Sometimes, car accidents are shaped by multiple actors. Find out who may have caused your accident and exchange insurance and contact information. You can’t file a claim if you don’t know the identity of the responsible party. 
  • See a trusted doctor. Sometimes, car accident injuries require immediate medical attention. Other times, you might not discover your injuries until a later date. Either way, getting checked on by a trusted doctor puts your injuries on the books, which is useful when demanding a settlement later. 
  • Don’t accept an offer to settle without input from an attorney. Insurance adjusters live to devalue your claim—those are just the facts. Don’t let them rip you off or try to pay you less than what you’re owed by letting an attorney go to bat for you during the negotiation process. 

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today

When the negligence of another driver or entity causes your injuries, don’t let the insurance company try to pay you less for your injuries, emotional damages, and lost income than what you’re really owed. An experienced car accident lawyer with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law, can help you secure the maximum compensation you deserve. 

Call 866-647-1311 or fill out the form below to unlock your free case consultation today. 

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