Austin Brain Injury Lawyer

An Austin brain injury lawyer (TBI) causes lifelong complications for victims. When you or a loved one suffers a TBI as the result of an accident, you may not know where to turn. 

When someone else is the cause of your brain injuries, you are entitled to seek financial compensation for their carelessness. An experienced Austin brain injury lawyer can help you get justice through a personal injury claim.

Filing a Claim for Your Austin Brain Injury Accident

Ordinarily, a TBI is caused by things like car accidents, sports injuries, slips-and-falls, or occupational hazards. Sometimes, brain injury can also be the result of criminal misconduct, such as assault.

Some of the complications that Austin brain injury victims could experience include:

All of the above could lead to severe consequences for brain injury victims, including an inability to return to work or school and the economic impact of medical bills.

Fortunately, a TBI lawyer in Austin can help you seek justice for yourself or your loved one. A personal injury lawsuit could help you recover damages for things including medical bills, lost wages from work, or pain and suffering related to your accident.

Texas Shared Fault Laws and the Impact on Austin Brain Injury Claims

For insurance purposes, Texas adheres is a fault state—meaning you’ll be able to sue the at-fault party’s insurance company for your damages directly if they were caused by an accident. There are other factors that could come into play, however, when it comes to calculating the final value of your settlement.

For example, Texas’ use of modified comparative negligence means damages can potentially be reduced the percentage for which you or your loved one is found responsible for the outcome of the accident.

Furthermore, the fact that many personal injury claims are settled outside of court means that your damages could be negotiated down by the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Negotiating becomes very important, as it is likely that the insurance company will offer you only a percentage of the real value of your claim at first. Although the prospect of negotiating a fair settlement can sound daunting, an Austin brain injury lawyer can help you win the settlement you deserve.

Follow Up with an Austin Brain Injury Lawyer Today

When it comes to negotiating a fair settlement for your injuries, don’t let an insurance company tell you the value of your claim. If you’re going to win, you’ll need the backing of a firm that’s unafraid to stand up to the insurance giants.

Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law provides uncompromising representation for accident victims in Austin, and are standing by to help you win a potential maximum settlement. Call (866) 647-1311 or fill out the form on our website to schedule your free consultation with an Austin brain injury lawyer from our firm.

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